Morgan County Labor Market Information Report
What business owners need to know
Morgan County has a population of 29,385 as of 2023. This is an
increase of 2.2% since 2018 and the population is expected to increase by 1.4% by 2028.
Population Total
16+ Civilian Non-Institutionalized Population
Not in Labor Force (16+)
Labor Force
Under 16, Military, and institutionalized Population
The total regional Employment in Morgan County is 14,431 with a labor participation rate of 70.6%. The total regional Employment in Morgan County is 14,431. Note that Labor force is the combined total of employed and unemployed individuals during the most recent month in which data is available.
The Top Major Industries and their Future Projections

Even though manufacturing has the highest amount of jobs and projected jobs it is not as employment concentrated as Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting. Note that the employment concentration value reflects the level of employment in Morgan County relative to the U.S. as a whole.
The Top National Industry Sectors in Morgan County and their Future Projections

Note that the parentheses signify a decrease for a particular group between 2024 and 2028
For Marketing Purposes
Age Groups in Morgan County

Note that the parentheses signify a decrease for a particular group between 2024 and 2028
For Job Seekers
Major Industry Projected Job Growth

Note that the parentheses signify a decrease for a particular group between 2024 and 2028
Major Industry Projected Job Decline

Note that the parentheses signify a decrease for a particular group between 2024 and 2028
National Industry Projected Job Growth

Note that the parentheses signify a decrease for a particular group between 2024 and 2028
National Industry Projected Job Decline

Note that the parentheses signify a decrease for a particular group between 2024 and 2028
Skills and Training Employers are Looking For

Note that this data set is based on job postings
Building these skills can be hard but luckily in Morgan County we have Morgan Community College that can help you gain skills, certifications, and degrees. If you already have certification degrees consider going to our chamber member’s job listings: